Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Art Exhibition Comment

Last week I took a look at the art exhabition. There were many people put their artwork to be shown in this exhibition, such as paintings, photographs and sculptures. I saw Peter’s artwork. His artworks were photographs that he took when he went to other countries. Some were pictures that he thought they were art. In my opinion, they were beautiful. Some pictures I think I might not see them from any other places. For me, I think everything is art if we look as it is art. Art has no border. Nobody can tell exactly, which is art or not. I like the picture of chairs and shadow. Somebody thinks it is not art, but I think it is art because those two chairs can make a new picture by the shadow. If the picture does not have shadow, that picture will be just the picture of chairs that does not look so interesting. But someone might think that the picture of chairs without shadow is art. That is because it depends on what people think. Art is the thing that you can do only one time. Sometimes you want to make the same artwork again but you cannot, even you make it in the same way but the result is not the same.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Art Exhibition Comment

Last week I took a look at the art exhabition. There were many people showed their artwork in this exhabition, such as pintings, photographs and sculptures. I saw Peter’s artwork. His art work were photographs that he took when he went to other countries. Some were pictures that he thought they were art.
In my opinion they were beautiful. Some pictures I think I might not see them form any other places. For me I think everything is art, if we look, as it is art. Art has no border. Nobody can tell exactly which is art or not. For example the picture of chairs and shadow, somebody thinks it is not art, but I think it is art because those two chairs can make a new picture by shadow. If the picture does not have shadow. That picture will be just the picture of chairs do not have dimention but someone might think that the picture of chairs without shadow is art. That is because it depends on what people think.
Art is thing that you can do only one time per piece. Sometimes you want to do it again but you cannot, even you use the same thing but the factor is not same

Sunday, February 10, 2008

What dreams are made of

Hey now, Hey now
Hey now, Hey now
Have you ever seen such a beautiful night
I could almost kiss the stars for shining so bright
When I see you smiling I go oh, oh, oh
I would never want to miss this
Cause in my heart i know what this is


Hey now, hey now,
This is what dreams are made of
Hey now, Hey now
This is what dreams are made of
I've got somewhere I belong
I've got somebody to love
This is what dreams are made of
Have you ever wondered what life is about
You could search the world and never figure it out (figure it out)
You don't have to sail the oceans no, no, no
Having this is no mystery it's here and now
It's you and me yea

Chorus x 1

(Hey now, hey now, hey now, hey now, hey now, hey now, hey now)
Open your eyes (This is what dreams are made of)
Shout to the skies (This is what dreams are made of) When I see you smiling I go oh, oh, oh
Yesterday my life was duller
Now everything is technical color
Hey now, hey now,
This is what dreams are made of
Hey now, hey now,
This is what dreams are made of
I've got somewhere I belong
I've got somebody to love
This is what dreams, dreams
This is what dreams are made of
Hey now, hey now (hey, hey, hey)
Hey now (hey, hey, hey)
This is what dreams hey now, hey now (hey, hey, hey)
This is what dreams are
Dreams are made of

There are many types of songs in this world, sad disappointed happiness and something else. Most of people like the songs because of the meaning and the song that I choose, I choose it because I like the meaning. This song name “What dreams are made of”. It is the soundtrack of Lizzie McGuire.
This song tells about a girl who can get her dream come true. She gets the place that she feels safe. That is home. She has somebody who loves her, which is her family. Just see their smile she knows what is that mean. Their smile give her the spirit to do anything and it can change her life. Whenever she feels hopeless, their smile encourage her to be strong and pass through the difficultly and make her life become better
She thinks that everybody tries to find something on the earth especially happiness but not all of them can be success. She realizes for her the happiness that she gets not as difficult as she thinks, because she can get it from her family.
All the things that she gets are encouraged her to make dream come true. She feels very secured and be happy in the worldwide.

Monday, November 12, 2007

My Parent’s Opinions

Nowadays there are many things that have changed from the past. My parents have seen how much it changed. They worry about it a lot. The first point is about society has changed too much from the past. They think a society nowadays is not very good. There are a lot of dangers around you. People are not so good too. For example, when you want to go outside your parents will ask where you go and who do you go with. They ask these questions because they want to know what their children do. They really care about your safety. Sometimes I don’t agree with their opinion. I think they worry about it too much. In our society it has some parts that are very good, but they see the other part of it. So they are afraid that their children will get in that part.
The second point is about education. Every parent wants their children to learn in a good school and hope that their children have the best education. Some of the parents send their children to learn in other countries such as America or New Zealand, because they think the education system of Thailand is not good enough. I agree with them. The education system of Thailand is like the past, but the world has changed. We can’t use the same system. Other countries have developed the system over time, so they will have a better system than Thailand.

Monday, October 29, 2007

How do you feel when you do something special or important?

In my life there are many important or special things that happen, every time when I do something that is very important I feel bashful nervous and excited. Most of the things are about the things that I practice for a long very long time and I can do it just only one time, for example when I have the ballet exam every time when I do it I do not really have the confidence. Sometimes I cannot control myself that means I do not have concentration. If I do not have enough concentrate, I cannot dance very well and the result is not very good. This is the thing that I think is important.
The second thing that I think is important is when I talk in front of many people. In m.4 there is many times that, I have the speech like that. Every time I feel nervous because I am afraid that people do not understand what I say. When I talk, everybody will look at me and I do not like when there are many people looking at me. So every time when I’m going to have the speech I should prepare myself .For example I will talk in front of the mirror first and I call my mom to listen and she will give comments about what is good or bad. After that I will apply them to my work. The last thing is practice how to say it out, when I do like that I will have a lot of the confidence.

Monday, October 8, 2007


In this world, there are many cultures. In one country they will have have their own country and in each country, they will have the different culture too. In my opinion, the culture is from the people in the past and until the present. The culture will change with the time. I think we can decide what Thai culture is and what not Thai culture is. I looked at the presentation. I could not say what real Thai culture is. For example Tata Young who is the pop singer in Thailand and now the super star in other countries, in her music video she wares a bar, mini skirt and dances very sexy. Some people in Thailand like the thing that she does. If you compare to the past people would not wear like this. This is example for Thailand. For other countries, they have different culture. For example in the west the woman can wear bar to go outside because they think this is suitable. So we can not decide what is right or wrong.
Last Saturday I went to Wat Phra Kaew to interview the foreigners about the entertainment in their country. For example the most famous TV program. I asked the man who came from German he said comedy. However, in Thailand most people like to see the dramas. This is the different between culture that people like do

Monday, October 1, 2007

What society expects of me

In my life there are a lot of people expecting things of me. For example my parents expect that I will have a good job good life and be successful. I know they wish me well. So they try to do everything that is the best for me. They always say “you should try to study. If you try from now, in the future you can pass entrance for the good university”. Every time when I hear that I think I should do the best for everything, but sometimes I feel pressure because I am afraid to make them impress. When I feel like that, I will tell them and they will say “You don’t think about it too much, you just do the best”
Nowadays I study in the high school. I have only 2 years left before I go to entrance. Many people ask me what is the university that I want to learn at. The teacher who taught me when I was young asks me about this question too. I know they expect me to go to the top university in Thailand. Some of them suggest I learn in the Mahidol University in an international program. I want to learn there too. But I don’t know if I can do that. I will try to do the best, because I don’t want to make my teacher impress about me.
In my life I have a lot of friends. All of my friend expect me to be a good friend for them. I try to be a good friend for them. But I don’t know if I am a good friend for them enough.