Monday, October 8, 2007


In this world, there are many cultures. In one country they will have have their own country and in each country, they will have the different culture too. In my opinion, the culture is from the people in the past and until the present. The culture will change with the time. I think we can decide what Thai culture is and what not Thai culture is. I looked at the presentation. I could not say what real Thai culture is. For example Tata Young who is the pop singer in Thailand and now the super star in other countries, in her music video she wares a bar, mini skirt and dances very sexy. Some people in Thailand like the thing that she does. If you compare to the past people would not wear like this. This is example for Thailand. For other countries, they have different culture. For example in the west the woman can wear bar to go outside because they think this is suitable. So we can not decide what is right or wrong.
Last Saturday I went to Wat Phra Kaew to interview the foreigners about the entertainment in their country. For example the most famous TV program. I asked the man who came from German he said comedy. However, in Thailand most people like to see the dramas. This is the different between culture that people like do

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