Monday, September 17, 2007

Young people today

In the world there are many teenagers. In my opinion, teenagers are about 13-19 years old. When you are teenagers, you can do many things that you want. For example, you can wear fashion cloths. You can choose many styles of the clothes that you want, because your body is firm and many brands make the clothes for teenagers.
Nowadays many teenagers in Thailand do many things more different from the past. In the past, maybe about 10 or 20 years ago, teenagers liked to travel to the other provinces with their friends. However, in this time most teenagers spend a lot of time going shopping talking telephone a lot on the telephone to their friends or like to see Korean movies. Sometimes their parents think it is non-sense to do that. If you use the time to do something that mare useful, maybe it can make you become better. I do not say you cannot going shopping or talk no telephone, but you must only use it when it is necessary.
I am the one who does like this. I know it is not good. I try to do it less.
I hope you enjoying reading that. If you have any idea, you can comment in my blog.

Introduce myself

My name is Rung. I am 16 years old. I have many friends. I love to talk and play with my friends. I feel very good when I talk with them. In one day, I live with them all the time. Sometimes I have the problems they can help me to fix, so I love to talk with them. I like people who are honest and kind and I do not like people who lie to me and are selfish. When I have free times, I like to read the books and see the movies with my mother.

Now, I do not know what I want to be in the future. I want to be a diplomat, but I am not sure that I can be. Because if I want to be a diplomat, I should do the hard work. It makes me depressed. Therefore, I cannot decide that what I want to be. However, I want to have a good job.
Now a day I am a student but in 2 weeks, I become a teacher. I will teach ballet in Saturday and Sunday. I very excite about that.

I learn it for a long time. Therefore, this is the time that I will show how much I know about that.